"We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." Marie Curie (The first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the only woman to win in two fields, and the only person to win in multiple sciences)
Most groups did not get great data with the lactase lab, so we are going to do two different short experiments today to hopefully increase your data for the evidence section of your report. You can also add these activities into other portions of your lab report as needed. Instant Pudding How is instant pudding different from traditional cook and serve? How does this activity relate to enzymes, their function and their importance in biological systems? How does energy play a role in these systems (instant vs cook and serve)?
Gelatin and Pineapple Ever noticed that on a jello box, there are certain fruits you aren't supposed to add to the jello? No? Now that you know there are certain fruits you aren't supposed to add, why do you suppose that is the case? What is gelatin anyway? To make the gelatin
Find 2
other groups and prepare 1 package of gelatin in the measuring cup using
90ml of boiling water and 30 ml of cold water. Stir well with a spoon
until the gelatin is dissolved.
We are going to go through the PowerPoint for Chapter 3 at warp speed. It should all be review from making the models. If you still have questions, please go to the "Chapt Obj, Vocab & PP" tab to access the PowerPoint slides from Chapter 3. You can also come in during advisory for extra help if you are confused by any of the information.
Please go through the following tutorial about enzymes to further your knowledge. Make sure you go through each animation with enzymes and without. This information could be used within your conclusion (make sure to cite your source) Enzyme Activity Then watch the animation and take the quiz on the following link. E-mail your quiz results to yourself and to me :) How Enzymes work video and quiz
Today is the day to get phamiliar with phet ;) There are a couple of simulations that will really help further your understanding of enzymes, reactions and the importance of water (the three main topics we have covered in the first nine weeks). Pick at least one to work through and use the information gathered in either your evidence or reasoning sections of those assignments.
Enzyme lab continued . . . . Now that you have tried your own design once, what do you need to do to fix it in order to get viable results? Things to consider
What sort of milk should you use?
how long does the milk and enzyme (or starch and enzyme) solution need to sit before testing the results?
Could you leave it longer than the class period and check on it later????
We are borrowing a lab exercise from biologycorner.com Click here for the Enzyme Lab. Follow the parts to become more familiar with enzymes and their functions. These "parts" (part A, B, C & D) will be background information for your lab that you will turn into canvas. Please still take pictures or use a google doc to record your findings and information that you gather from the parts. However, your lab write up that you will be turning in, will focus mainly on Part E (design your experiment). The rubric for that section (E) is here. Use the information from other days in the enzyme unit as well as parts A-D as background information and additional research to give more support to your design.
Question for the day What are enzymes and why are they an essential part of living systems? (take a minute and talk at your table, brainstorm on your whiteboard) Agenda for the day In a group of 5, you will receive a set of locks and keys. On your whiteboard, write down at least 5 observations about the locks and keys. You should try to use the keys to unlock the locks (make sure you take a picture of your whiteboard). You have 10 minutes Share observations with the larger group. In your same group, you will get a new set of keys. What predictions can you make based on the previous set? Please write down at least three predictions on your whiteboards. Once you receive your new set of keys, test your predictions. Were your predictions valid? Why or why not? Again record information on the whiteboard, and make 3 additional observations (again, take a picture to record your information). Share additional observations Read and Mark up the Text of Enzyme Intro Per 2 click here Per 3 click here Per 4 click here If time allows, watch short tutorial about Enzymes from education portal Closure Go to Canvas and complete the Enzyme closure "quiz" before class tomorrow.
How are the form and function of Macromolecules related? (and why is it so important to Biological systems?)
What are enzymes and why are they an essential part of living systems?
Click here for a copy of the SSA for the enzyme unit. Please make a copy for your own google drive (you have to be signed into your g-mail account) and fill in the yellow column, and then share it with my school e-mail (unclick the "send an e-mail option").
Add the highlighter "add-on" on google drive (you have to have a google DOC open in order to find the highlighter add-on)
Complete the pre-assessment for the Enzyme unit on Canvas
Complete your models from the previous activity and upload your information to Canvas
Complete the Macromolecules closure quiz (probably won't get to this in class today)